Who Am I? And Why Does Being Last Hurt?

The question of identity has constantly echoed throughout mankind’s history, almost unceasingly.  This need to connect, to define and to understand has resulted in cultural revolutions, religious crusades, civil wars and more.  As we go about trying to make sense…

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What to Do When There is No Moral Compass

Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, there is a widespread concern that, as a country, we have “misplaced” our moral compass.  While politics and morality have always been strange bedfellows, it seems we have come to a…

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We All Have Different Paths

I have tried to keep politics separate from this blog.  However, an issue that I have been wanting to address was given the perfect segue thanks to a tweet from the White House.  Before I go any further, I want…

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Are We the Valley of the Shadow of Death?

I, like many who attended Sunday School, memorized Psalm 23 as a child. To this day there are only two pieces of literature that I can still quote verbatim–Psalm 23 and the first sixteen lines of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (which…

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How to be an Un-Christian

A few weeks ago, I was told a story that left an indelible mark on me.  Since that mark was one of profound disgust and sadness I am going to keep the identities of those involved under wraps. The story…

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The Death of Caring and Jesus’ Instagram Feed

I was on Facebook the other day, a not uncommon occurrence. I like staying connected with people and seeing what they are up to as it gives me something to talk with them about the next time I see them. …

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