Lenten Challenge–Day 15

Two weeks have passed since I started this challenge.  I have had to double up once, and I fully missed one day.  I get anxious that the proverbial well will run dry.  But the lessons I have learned have continued…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 14

The saying, “pride goeth before the fall” has always interested me.  In some ways, there is a notion that the “high and mighty shall be brought down”—almost a means of retaliation.  In other ways, there is the concept that an…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 13

Today was the second memorial service for my great-Aunt.  One of the people who offered up a recollection of Aunt Jane spoke of her as someone who knew everyone—both the somebodies and the nobodies. I thought about this dichotomy and…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 12

Today we celebrated the life of my great-Aunt, who passed at the age of 98.  She was a woman who lived life on her own terms but also with a devoted consistency to enriching and encouraging those around her.  It…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 10

Tonight at dinner, the topic of bearing witness came up in direct relation to the actions spurred by the senseless massacre in Florida.  Where adults have failed to act, the younger generation is showing us the power of saying #neveragain.…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 9

I never expected that car drivers in NYC would be the source of constant inspiration, but once again I find a comment made by a driver to be just that.  Those that know me are inherently aware that I typically…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 8

I was reading an article today, written by a leader of the evangelical movement.  He has been rightly upset about the general castigation of the evangelical movement. mostly because the views of the most stridently conservative parts of the evangelical…

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The Lenten Challenge–Day 7 (posted on day 8…)

I am late in posting this.  I knew that eventually I would suffer a gap in inspiration.  Let’s hope that that was the only time, particularly as I am committed to making up for it today. Actually, inspiration did hit…

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The Lenten Challenge–Day 6

I have found that inspiration comes from the most unexpected places.  But that’s the amazing thing about inspiration—one needs to be always open, always listening and always thinking. Today is a national holiday.  As such, I have spent part of…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 5

One of the things I find fascinating about religious practice is that it forces us to think outside the box.  We are asked to believe in things we cannot know, touch or feel.  After all, faith is about believing in…

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