Lenten Challenge–Day 15

Two weeks have passed since I started this challenge.  I have had to double up once, and I fully missed one day.  I get anxious that the proverbial well will run dry.  But the lessons I have learned have continued on a regular basis.

One of the most surprising things is to see from where inspiration comes.  In the ancient days, prophets were more visible, probably due to the lack of social media that now distracts us on a constant basis.  But I have learned that, when I am open to it, modern-day prophets abound. Prophets are “inspired teachers” who cause us to reflect on the meaning of God and our relationship to him/her and the rest of our earthly brothers and sisters.  While the Cecil B. DeMille version in long beards and flowing robes may no longer be abundant, we can still experience prophets in our daily life.

Perhaps the biggest difference between the ancient days and today is that our teachers often come in unexpected forms and may not even realize the role that they are playing.  Yet these modern-day prophets still cause us to consider what we believe as truth and inspire us to a deeper level of circumspection.  I have experienced teachers in the form of taxi drivers and baristas, have received insightful messages through the media of television and text, and seen moments of revelation in the very elements of nature.  While these may not be on the level of the prophets Isaiah, Moses and Elijah (who foretold of things yet to come) the opportunity for me to learn from them are no less important.  If I am opened to inspired learning, it comes when I least expect it.

I am not trying to diminish the role of the ancient prophets, all I am trying to say is that when I am receptive to moments of learning, they are provided to me on a regular basis.  When I allow my spiritual radar to operate, it picks up things that might otherwise go un-noticed.

I would challenge you to try it this week.  Keep your mind open to a lesson that is being presented to you.  It will come.  There will be a moment when you will pause to consider something you have heard or read.  You will wonder why that has struck you in a particular way.  You will have experienced a modern-day prophet, a teacher who will give you the opportunity to learn if you are willing.  See what happens when you are receptive to the message.  And let me know what you find.