Lenten Challenge–Day 29

Once again I find myself devoid of inspiration and devoid of energy to write.  All I can think about is why did I set myself a challenge at which I was destined to fail? I couldn’t possibly think that I would have the discipline to blog everyday–so why did I even assume I would?  More importantly, does writing this blog even matter, to me or to anyone else?  What’s the purpose?  And who cares?

Then I realized.  Perhaps these were the questions Jesus was asking himself after four weeks in the desert,  What am I doing here?  Does it matter?  Maybe a few people will believe, but what’s the price value equation?  Perhaps these questions were the hardest part of the temptation…

I don’t know.  I am not supposing that I am Jesus.  I just know that the self-imposed burden of this practice is wearing.  When I don’t write I feel I have failed.  When I do write I wonder if anything has changed.  Surely Jesus, his human nature, must have asked these questions.  I can only place my faith in the fact that the answers are beyond my grasp.  And try again tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Lenten Challenge–Day 29

  1. I think it’s a great discipline to do something hard every day for a month or more. I did the Write a Novel in 30 days challenge years back. It was not easy. I had to write 2-4 hours a day. But, I did it. The novel probably sucks, but no one will read it. I learned that writing is creative, but it’s also a slog, just like going for a run. And, that’s ok because in the end, you will be amazed that you did it.

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