Sheep or Goat

This Sunday lesson was an all too familiar parable of the goats and the sheep.  The goats represented those deemed unworthy, while the sheep represented those who are seen to be righteous.  There is something both familiar and uncomfortable about this story,…

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What’s Love Got To Do With…Anxiety?

I must apologize to the great Tina Turner who inspired this title.  Or at least I must apologize to Graham Lyon and Terry Britten who wrote the song that Miss Turner made so powerful.  It’s an interesting question I think because love…

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From “Hosanna” to “Crucify” in One Easy Step

This week represents one of the holiest weeks in both the Jewish and Christian calendars.  In the Jewish faith, Passover starts at sundown on Wednesday.  Yesterday’s Palm Sunday is the beginning of Easter week in the Christian faith.  Both holy seasons commemorate a…

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Three Days

I don’t think anyone would disagree with the statement that this is one the strangest Holy Weeks we have ever experienced—at least in my lifetime.  Once again, we have that harmonic convergence where the holy days of Passover overlap our own…

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What are the 10 Commandments Really About?

For followers of Abrahamic faiths, the ten commandments are at the center of the longstanding religious and moral codes.  Even those that are not adherents can probably successfully rattle off a few of the commandments, just from a passing experience…

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Our Finite Problem with the Infinite

As humans, we are flawed at our very core due to our inability to understand the infinite.  We simply do not have the language to express fully what infinite truly means.  It is simply beyond the power of words and…

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What is it About Mary

As a Protestant, I have a conflicted relationship with Mary, the mother of Jesus.  I come from a male dominated religious background where teaching elders are men and women are not granted equal leadership opportunities. Moreover, I was cautioned against the…

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The Final Lenten Challenge

During the Maundy Thursday service at St. James, one of the themes of the homily was that the search for truth is one of the things that motivates us as both human and spiritual beings.  We are innately called to…

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The Lenten Challenge—Maybe the final question…

Holy Week has arrived and with it comes both moments of great darkness and moments of great joy.  On Thursday, our church participates in a not uncommon tradition found in the Episcopal church.  At the end of the Maundy Thursday…

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Lenten Challenge

One thing that has become abundantly clear to me during this Lenten Challenge is just how difficult it is to stay persistent with any task for forty plus days.  I have never been one for New Year’s Resolutions and I…

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