What to Do When There is No Moral Compass

Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, there is a widespread concern that, as a country, we have “misplaced” our moral compass.  While politics and morality have always been strange bedfellows, it seems we have come to a…

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We All Have Different Paths

I have tried to keep politics separate from this blog.  However, an issue that I have been wanting to address was given the perfect segue thanks to a tweet from the White House.  Before I go any further, I want…

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Are We the Valley of the Shadow of Death?

I, like many who attended Sunday School, memorized Psalm 23 as a child. To this day there are only two pieces of literature that I can still quote verbatim–Psalm 23 and the first sixteen lines of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (which…

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How to be an Un-Christian

A few weeks ago, I was told a story that left an indelible mark on me.  Since that mark was one of profound disgust and sadness I am going to keep the identities of those involved under wraps. The story…

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The Death of Caring and Jesus’ Instagram Feed

I was on Facebook the other day, a not uncommon occurrence. I like staying connected with people and seeing what they are up to as it gives me something to talk with them about the next time I see them. …

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