Lenten Challenge–Day 26

I was asked if our dog Teddy had ever inspired one of my posts.  Until yesterday, the answer had been no. I hadn’t been feeling great, probably due to some sushi I had eaten the day before.  But the day…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 23

The notion of “radical empathy” continues to inspire me.  (Read yesterday’s post for the reference).  I realized that I delved into the meaning and inspiration behind the word “radical” but didn’t do the same thing for the word “empathy”.  I…

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Lenten Challenge–The Real Day 22

I have been lucky to come across many teachers in my life, both in the literal and figurative sense.  As I have noted before, teachers have often come from the most unexpected places, although I must admit that I haven’t…

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Lenten Challenge–Day “21”

The biggest challenge of this Lenten challenge has been trying to post on a daily basis.  I am comfortable saying that I have failed in that endeavor.  Yet this failure is a lesson unto itself. Failure has come in many…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 20

I was exploring Facebook this morning as I am often wont to do.  I love not only catching up on what my friends are doing, but I also enjoy seeing what other people find inspirational.  Today I watched a video…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 19

I was recently texting with a friend.  In the midst of some casual back and forth he posed an interesting, and as he described it, “random reflection”.  He asked, “isn’t it flummoxing how humans can be so strong in some…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 15

Two weeks have passed since I started this challenge.  I have had to double up once, and I fully missed one day.  I get anxious that the proverbial well will run dry.  But the lessons I have learned have continued…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 14

The saying, “pride goeth before the fall” has always interested me.  In some ways, there is a notion that the “high and mighty shall be brought down”—almost a means of retaliation.  In other ways, there is the concept that an…

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Lenten Challenge–Day 13

Today was the second memorial service for my great-Aunt.  One of the people who offered up a recollection of Aunt Jane spoke of her as someone who knew everyone—both the somebodies and the nobodies. I thought about this dichotomy and…

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